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Where appropriate children can play the games on their own but adults/teachers will need to be at hand to help with reading information on the screen and with reading the story.

Yn ei galon, gwyddai Capten Timothy mai hwn oedd y cyfle olaf iddo fod gyda'i wraig a'i bum plentyn - naw mis oed oedd Jane, yr ieuengaf - a hynny am hir, hir amser; llythyrent â'i gilydd mor gyson â phosibl yn ôl y cyfleustra a hyd yn oed anfon ambell gerdd i'r naill a'r llall: May Guardian Angels their soft wings display And guide you safe thro' every dangerous way.

Local education authorities should review the level of need and the provision which currently exists in their areas to meet those needs.

If instead you need a vaccination programme to keep farmers' cattle alive so that they and their families can avoid falling into the destitution that leads to starvation, it's not sexy enough to interest the media.

Crisialwyd eu hegwyddorion cul gan eiriau Norman Tebbitt ychydig ddyddiau yn ôl: "People are not willing to be governed by those who do not speak their language." Dyna i chi ddiddorol!