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Sylwodd hefyd fod ffens uchel o weier bigog o gwmpas y lle i gyd, a rhybuddion Saesneg "PROHIBITED AREA" - "KEEP OUT!" ymhobman.

Cân Bing Crosby White Christmas" yw'r brif gân a "We'll Keep a Welcome" sy ar yr ochr arall.

Amrywiad arall yw "Keep Wales Tidy - Kill a Tourist".

Gan aros yn y byd gwleidyddol am ychydig eto, mae pawb wedi gweld y posteri "Keep Wales Tidy% ac amryw wedi gweld "Dump your rubbish in England" mewn ffelt-pen wladgarol oddi tano.

If instead you need a vaccination programme to keep farmers' cattle alive so that they and their families can avoid falling into the destitution that leads to starvation, it's not sexy enough to interest the media.